Jumat, 29 April 2016

[NEW] Chords Kunci Gitar Lowkey - Alphabet Assassin lyrics Lirik Terjemahan Arti Lagu



I’m an anarchist
and an angry chords Lowkey - Alphabet Assassin lyrics lyrics academic activist
axe and assassinate the alphabet in an ambulance
ahki I’m aggy and I’m actually anti arrogant artists
that ask in american accents by accident


Batter babbling battlers with a bag of batteries
ban these bias blaggers because they’re badly backwards b
batty bible bashers get badded basra to brackenbury
baffle backpackers with bars bad as a big of b


Catty crackheads get cancelled canada to canterbury
cussing my click catch a cavalry crashed into casualty
A cunning culprit that covers conversation candidly
cool calculated cannibal that causes carnage casually


Diddy Didn’t Do Diddly
Dead it
Did it with Dignity
You Dilly Dally and Diss from Distance Dig it I Disagree
You Did it for Digits
Dickhead Dummy I Do it Differently
I Define Deliberately Diligent Delivery


Cause Everything is Everything it’s Evidence my Essence is Every Element
Effortlessly Edit your Enterprise with Eloquence
Elevate with the Energy of Eminem
Every Entity that’s Ever been a Enemy I’m Ending them


The fact is I fracture factors to fragments fantastically
fibbers fabricate fallacies and find fantasy
I flip faithless fellas from fakers to flippin fans of me
flippantly famish and finish these fanatics factually


Give gangsters gangrene and gain green gradually
grapple and gatecrash your gathering with a gang of Gs
Gallivanting geezers get guided to the galaxy
or gallows for gambling with a generals geniality


Happily hack hackers that happen to have a hack with me
like Hatton I’m habitually hazardous how it has to be
Hospitalise haters from Holland
Holloway or Hackney
hate hagglers and I hang ’em with a handkerchief


Illustrius illustrator
illest in the industry
illicitly cause illiterate idiots injury
Impatient cause Illuminati impede my innovations
while ignorant imbeciles idolise my imitations


I jack a jackal for his jacket and just jam
got jittery jockeys jabbering
Jamaica to Japan
Got jealous junkie jokers jabbing
January-to-January my journal is a journey
just don’t jinx my jiggy jamboree


I’m the key
the king
the Kaiser
reminding my kin of karma
I’m a kangaroo keep in your kennel you curb koala
kidnapping kleptomaniacs since kindergarten
Kitties will give their kidney for a kit kat or a kipper


I’m the lyricist’s lyricist
livid with little listeners
listen I’m loving living cause life is literally limited
My live lyrics lift lyricism levels luckily
til I leave the labyrinth of London and live in luxury


Meanwhile my motives to motivate and mobilise my monster men
my missions to minimise misdemeanours
mere monuments of these midgets make me milli for minutes
I may be a mad Mongrel and a manic Mesopotamian maniac


No my narratives
not for narcoleptic narcissists
Naive native nitwits natter negative nastiness
Numerous naughty nymphos niggle up to my navel
I neglect the negligee and navigate to Naples


When I operate
obsolete opposition get obliterated
Often obese officers ogle as their occupation
obviously offing other obstacles is my obligation
originality over Oscar ovations


Poisonous Poets
poised at the pulpit
pulverise poachers and pointless posers with potently poignant poems
practically panic
Paparazzi passive passengers planning to pack P’s
and prang patchy pampering pansies


Quality over quantity
qualify quantum physics
I question quarrelly quacks and I quickly quadruple quizzes
A quarter get queasy and query with queer quotes though
these quirky quibblers get crippled like Quasimodo


Righteous revolution ragamuffin repping reality
really rebelling
recruiting ready regiments rapidly
Remorseless renegade
riddims and records ripping radio
rapping rattlers really rally rating my ratio


I separately severed several stupid students for steppin
and still slewing sacrilegious super sadists in seconds
Speak to Styz and savagely smack up studio sessions
suave swingers spitting sickest similes in seven


Topped the talent and tenacious tendencies of Tyson
tipped as a terrifying terrorist tackling titans
Tokyo to Tennessee
taxing timid tourists
through turbulent times I tangle with total torment


Understand I’m unbelievable
that’s an understatement
giving ultimatums to undertakers
unforgiving to ugglesome uncles they’re unoriginal


Verbally violent and victims validate my visions
vanish various vigilant villains
Vividly victorious over a variety of vixens
venomous viper vanquishes vampires with vengeance


These cord kord chord Lowkey - Alphabet Assassin lyrics kunci gitar wobbling wackos are just waiting to work for wages
my words are weapons willing to wage war on you wimpy wasters


See thru you xenophobic x-men with an x-ray
x out xmas with an x-rated sex tape


Yuppies are yapping
I’m yawning
yearning for yesterday
years when youngers played with yo-yo’s not yet with yay


I’m as lirik terjemahan arti indonesia Lowkey - Alphabet Assassin lyrics download mp3 zealous as Zeppelin and Zappa in my zones
I zoom like Zoro I zap these zonking zebras
my zone’s a zoo

How many letters left?


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